Feature Additions 8.x Schema

The following features and capabilities were added to the 8.x schema family.

Schema version 8.3 was produced and made available to merchants participating in the Beta testing of certain new features. The new features tested in version 8.3 became available in later versions of production schema.

  • Online eCheck Transaction (8.0) - eCheck transactions are supported for Online submissions. Also, added the eCheck verification transaction type, automatic NOC updates, and automatic eCheck redeposit capability.

  • eCheck Verification (8.0) - a new transaction type, <echeckVerification>, has been added to the schema to allow check of historical data about the account.

  • Automatic NOC Updates (8.0) - automatically corrects submitted account information if applicable NoC data is on file.

  • Merchant Initiate eCheck Redeposit (8.1) - a new transaction type, <echeckRedeposit>, has been added to the schema to allow merchant initiate redeposits of echeck returns if the reason is either Insufficient Funds or Uncollected Funds. You can not use this transaction type if you have the optional Automatic Redeposit feature enabled.

  • eCheck Void (8.1) - introduces the echeckVoid transaction type that you can use to either void unsettled eCheck transactions or to halt automatic redeposit attempts. This transaction type is available for Online transactions only.

  • eCheck Tokenization (8.2) - allows the substitution of tokens for eCheck account numbers eCheck transaction. This feature includes provisions for explicit registrations of eCheck accounts using the registerTokenRequest transaction type and implicit registration via normal eCheck transactions. The use of this feature is optional.

  • eCheck Token Updates for Automatic NOC Updates (8.2) - the system automatically updates the token (issues a new token), when a NOC exists against the eCheck account number/routing number used for the original token generation.

  • Prepaid Card Filter (8.4) - allows the filtering of transactions using prepaid cards. Filtering can be configured selected transactions or all transaction involving prepaid cards. If you select the All option, you can disable the feature for specific transactions.

  • International Card Filter (8.4) - allows the filtering of transactions based upon the country of the Issuer. Filtering can be configured by country and disabled for specific transactions.

  • Reloadable Prepaid Card Indicator (8.4) - returns information on whether or not the prepaid card is reloadable.

  • Prepaid Card Type Indicator (8.4) - returns information on the type of prepaid card used (i.e., Teen, Gift, Payroll, etc.)

  • Issuer Country Indicator (8.4) - returns information indicating the country of the issuing bank.

  • Cardholder Type Indicator (8.5) - returns information indicating whether the card is a Commercial or Consumer card.

  • eProtect (PayPage) Support Items (8.5) - new elements added to the schema to support transactions originating with Worldpay eProtect enabled merchants.

  • American Express Auth Reversals (8.5) - introduces support for merchant initiate Authorization Reversals for American Express transactions.

  • Automatic Account Updater (8.5) - introduces support for Automatic Account Updater service including the optional return of update information in the response messages for both tokenized and non-tokenized merchants.

    The Automatic Account Updater service was introduced for beta testing in schema version 8.3 and capabilities added in versions 8.4 and 8.5. While development was complete in version 8.5, this service became generally available starting with version 8.6.

  • Recycling Advice (8.6) - supports the return of a date/time stamp indicating the recommended time for recycling of certain declined Authorizations.

  • Additional PayPage support (8.7) - support was added to allow the use of the <paypageRegistrationId> element (child of the <paypage> element) in Capture Give Auth, Credit, and Force Capture transactions.

  • Tax Billing and Convenience Fee (8.8) - supports the designation of Tax and Convenience Fees for use by MCC9311 merchants.

  • Transaction Tracking elements (8.8) - add the capability to track transactions based upon <campaign>, <affiliate>, or <merchantGroupingId>.

  • Prior Fraud Advice Filter (8.10) - allows filtering of MasterCard and Visa transactions based upon the Worldpay eCommerce system receiving a Fraud Advice record for the account within the previous 200 days.

  • Prior Chargeback Filter - allows filtering of transactions based either upon the receipt of any chargeback by the merchant from the same account within the last 90 days, or only the subset of chargebacks tagged as fraud chargeback (i.e., chargeback code is fraud related).

  • Security Code No-Match Filter (8.12) - allows filtering of transactions based upon a failure to match the Security Code (CVV2/CVC2/CID) submitted with the transaction.

  • Global Filter Override (8.13) - disables all Fraud Filters for the transaction

  • Update of Card Validation Number (CVV2/CVC2/CID) (8.14) - under certain circumstances, for tokenized merchants, the Worldpay eComm Platform stores the encrypted security code on a temporary basis. A new transaction type (<updateCardValidationNumOnToken>) was introduced allowing the update of the stored security code.

  • Surcharge Provisions (8.17) - A new <surchargeAmount> element was added to several transaction types allowing merchants to apply surcharges for Visa and MasterCard credit card transactions.

  • Debt Repayment (8.19) - A new <debtRepayment> element was added to the Authorization, Force Capture, Capture Given Auth, and Sale transactions. The new element should be set to true for Visa transaction that are debt repayments. The merchant must be either MCC 6012 or 6051.

  • Virtual Account Number Indicator (8.22) - Support for a new Insights indicator that specifies if a card number is a virtual card.

    New elements in support of Recurring Engine and Private Gift Cards were added to the schema files beginning with V8.19. These features were not completed and available for use until V8.22.

  • Private Label Gift Card Support (8.22) - Many new transactions types (i.e., activate, deactivate, load, unload, balance inquiry, etc.) were introduced to the schema in support for Private Label Gift Card transactions.

  • Recurring Engine (8.22) - A new Value Added Service whereby Worldpay manages all recurring payments based upon merchant defined payment Plans.

  • Advanced Fraud Tools Support (8.23) - Added several new elements in support of Worldpay/ThreatMetrix integration. This integration allows you to filter transactions based upon the results ThreatMetrix analysis of customer devices/connection.

  • CAT (Cardholder Activated Terminal) Support (8.23) - Added new elements in support of CAT transactions.

  • Advanced Fraud Tools Support (8.24) - Added the <triggeredRule> element, which provides details about any rules that were triggered from the merchant’s policy. This element can occur multiple times (once for each triggered rule) in the response message.

  • Standalone Fraud Check Transaction (8.25) - Added support for a standalone Fraud Check transaction type.

  • Mobile POS Device Support (8.25) - Added support for transaction originating with a ROAM Mobile POS device.

  • New Enumeration for <orderSource> (8.26) - Added echeckppd enum to <ordersource> for use with eCheck PPD transactions (Prearranged Payment and Deposit Entries). This type of transaction occurs when a merchants receives a written authorization, including a voided paper check, from a consumer so that the merchant can debit the consumer account. These transactions can be single entry or recurring debits to a consumer's account.

  • Support for MasterCard MasterPass product (8.27) - Added new <wallet> element (and child elements to support merchants using the MasterCard MasterPass product.

  • Support for Apple Pay (8.28) - Added support for one method of processing Apple Pay in-app purchases. Added applepay enum to <orderSource> and changed maxLength of the <authenticationValue> element from 32 to 56 characters. Note: Support for Apple Pay will not be fully released until late-January 2015.

  • Support for Apple Pay (8.29) - Added <applepay> as a payment method to several transaction types and <applepayResponse> to various response messages. Also <added secondaryAmount> to several transaction types to support convenience fees.

  • Added support for Recurring and Installment Card on File transactions (8.30) - Two new enums were added to the <processingType> element. Also, we added new elements to support the use of a <networkTransactionId> returned by Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.

  • Added support for Card on File transactions (8.31) - The following values were added to the <processingType> element enumerations: initialCOF, merchantInitiatedCOF, and cardholderInitiatedCOF.

  • Added authIndicator to support Incremental Auths (8.33) - used by certain Travel and Entertainment (T&E) merchants when final purchase amounts are unknown.

  • Added foreignRetailIndicator to capture parent elements (8.33) - must be present when the marketplace and retailer are not in the same region (country).